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WHEN: Monday, May 1, 2022
TIME: 10:30 a.m.????????? Registration, SHOTGUN START at 12:00 p.m.
WHERE: Tiger Point Golf Club, Gulf Breeze, FL
FORMAT: Four Person Scramble (Handicapped)
COST: $125.00?????? per Golfer/$500.00???????? per Team (includes golf, goodie bag, lunch, beverages, prizes, hole-in-one contests, range balls)
OPTIONAL: Silent auction, mulligans, putting contest, 50/50 drawing
PRIZE CATEGORIES: Top 3 Teams, Long Drive (M/W), Closest to Pin (M/W), Door Prizes
Note: This is a Mario “Chick” Alberghini Council 13277 project. Proceeds support our Local participants in the Florida Special Olympics.